Hey, Y’all!!!

Thanks so much for looking through my website. I’m excited to share my stories with you. Everywhere I look, I see someone begging to write about them. Even my husband’s dreams inspire ideas for new books.

I love animals, travel, beautiful things, my husband, and chillin’ - not necessarily in the order. After living my entire life in the cold tundra of Michigan (yeah, it’s not really that bad!), I had the opportunity to move to Dallas and I jumped on it! I packed up my husband, two horses, three goats, and eleven cats and moved over 1,000 miles to start fresh.

All my life, writing, sharing experiences through story-telling, and intensive research have interested me. Finally, with my debut novel—and every one since—all of my loves have been combined to give my readers an experience through the written word.

Like so many of my favorite books have done for me, I sincerely hope to connect with you through my writing. A simple communication style brings words off the page to a vision in your mind.

Join me as I create scenarios that could happen to anyone…and probably have. Next time, it may be me, may be you.